
After four weeks with no new Xbox games for Windows Phone, we may have the actual cause

Last calendar week, Windows Telephone received no new Xbox game for the third week in a row. Our detailed editorial posited several theories to explain the prolonged release drought, and many readers chimed in with their ain theories. This calendar week marks the quaternary consecutive dry week, and the 6th within the last ii months. Microsoft has informed the states there won't be a new Xbox game or Deal of the Week over again.

Why another dry calendar week, you ask? An Xbox game developer has come forward with information supporting one of our theories… And no, it isn't the best news.


Shao-Lin's Road and Time Pilot MIA

First, a quick summary of the four possible reasons why new Xbox Windows Phone releases have been scarcer than a fully-clothed Rihanna sighting:

  1. Microsoft has decided not to allow Windows Telephone 8-incompatible Xbox games to be released
  2. Microsoft is backing away from Xbox games on Windows Phone
  3. Tertiary-political party development is drying up
  4. Microsoft has totally forgotten about several games they could release right now (Fourth dimension Pilot, Shao-Lin'southward Road, and Loondon)

These causes are not mutually sectional, and in fact it'southward probable that at to the lowest degree iii of them band truthful.

The answer

Fable Coin Golf
Fable Coin Golf was the final major Microsoft franchise game released for Windows Phone, but doesn't work with WP8

Next, let me to explain that our source (who must remain bearding) has worked on several titles for a developer with a close relationship to Microsoft. This developer has successfully proposed Xbox-branded games for Windows Telephone and so gone on to create them. Said dev'due south experience might not represent the feel of other 3rd-party developers, but given the facts nosotros know, it seems very likely.

So, what does this developer feel is the root of the Xbox Windows Telephone release drought? Possibility Number Two is the winner. Basically, the extent of Xbox-specific evolution is decided upon by Microsoft'due south Business Development division. Unfortunately for gamers, that division is currently reevaluating its support of Xbox-branded games on Windows Telephone. With their support in a limbo land, new Microsoft-published and/or funded games can't be canonical.

The above refers specifically to games that would take Microsoft'south name attached to them. It'south non likely that Business organisation Evolution's lack of back up would cause all third-party developed and published games to be denied. However, like I explained last calendar week: 3rd party support will not go on to any great extent without specific will and funding from Microsoft.

Amazing Spider-Man
Gameloft's lineup of Windows Phone viii games seems to accept been planned earlier the hiatus.

Windows Phone remains a minority platform compared to iOS and Android. For relatively large developers who already make enough of profits on competing smartphones, the profits from a Windows Phone game (combined with the cumbersome Xbox Alive certification process) probably seem negligible. And even a small squad might just decide that making a new iOS game will bring in more revenue than porting one of its existing titles. Much as I dear Windows Telephone (believe me, I do), these are the market place realities for our up-and-coming mobile OS.

What attracts third-political party devs so? Put simply, Microsoft must reach out and convince them to bring their games to Windows Phone. This often involves at least partially funding the game'due south development, and possibly greenlighting projects for more established platforms like Xbox 360. That's what has gotten united states a great many of the Xbox Windows Phone games so far, and it's necessary for the foreseeable future. But with Business Development obviously putting a hold on Xbox-specific Windows Phone spending, those development deals aren't happening.

This news also means we're that much farther away from getting games from major Microsoft-owned franchises created for Windows Phone. XBLA games that would be easy to port similar A World of Keflings and especially the numerous Windows 8 tablet games that could be ported with very little effort: nobody is approving them and then they won't happen.

Advantage: Nokia

The one silver lining nosotros know of at present is Nokia's continued release of Xbox-branded games for their Lumia Phones. During the drought that many Windows Phone users have faced, Nokia released both Picnic Wars and iBomber Defense. Simultaneously, they've been steadily updating their existing exclusives, with the virtually recent update making viii out of the 10 existing exclusives fully Windows Telephone 8 compatible. That means that the Xbox Windows Phone lineup looks viii-10 games improve for Lumia owners. And these aren't just throwaway titles, either. All of Nokia'south exclusives come from respected publishers Electronic Arts and Chillingo, and we've reviewed most of them favorably so far. Large-proper name franchises like Madden, FIFA, and Expressionless Space are still on the mode - we'll have news straight from Nokia'southward rima oris in the weeks ahead!

Information technology'due south fair to say that while Microsoft might have dropped the ball with Xbox game back up for its own mobile Bone, Nokia doesn't mind picking up the slack. Nokia can't actually sustain the platform on their own; every bit far as nosotros know, they only have x more than sectional Xbox games on the style this year. To thrive, Windows Phone needs somewhere in the neighborhood of 52 new releases: an boilerplate of one per calendar week... And of course, many of those must be popular and/or completely exclusive titles that will appeal to avid gamers. As well, Windows Phone doesn't consist solely of Nokia phones, so these exclusives haven't benefitted not-Lumia owners just yet.  That said, the Nokia Electronic Arts games are widely believed to be timed exclusives, and then HTC and Samsung owners could only terminate up gaining new games to play earlier as well long.

Other side of the story

Skulls of the Shogun
Skulls of the Shogun for Windows Phone

Naturally we asked Microsoft for comment on the release drought, but they haven't come forward with an official explanation just yet. Although I accept absolute organized religion in my source, I would be highly surprised to run across an bodily confirmation of this story from Microsoft themselves. The caption carries such negative connotations that they wouldn't gain much by openly stating it. They also dear their secrecy. Still, we'll proceed to press for official give-and-take as long equally we tin can.

Finally, while half-dozen weeks in the concluding two months without a new Xbox Windows Phone release looks about every bit good as modernistic twenty-four hours Val Kilmer and Laurence Fishburne wearing Speedos, Windows Phone isn't the only Microsoft platform undergoing a release drought. Xbox Alive Arcade actually hasn't had a release for two weeks in a row – a fairly unprecedented bridge of time. That dry spell ends with next week's XBLA release of The Cave, but Windows Phone probably won't see a new Xbox game until Skulls of the Shogun arrives on January 30thursday.

In the meantime, allow Microsoft know that you lot want more than Xbox Windows Telephone games, including major franchises! You can make your vocalism heard by voting for this proffer at User Voice, commenting in this Xbox forums thread, and by tweeting @Xbox, @XboxSupport, @WindowsPhone, and whatever other public faces at Microsoft.

Header image courtesy of Wolfe's Lair.


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