
How to create and manage Xbox Music playlists on Windows Phone and Windows 8

Xbox Music Playlists on Windows Phone and Windows 8

The Windows Phone Store has nearly every major music platform bachelor, with the obvious exception of official iTunes or Google Play apps. Y'all'll observe Xbox Music, Beats Music, Songza, Spotify, and more available to you as a Windows Phone (and probable Windows 8) user.

Notwithstanding odds are a lot of you are rocking out to Xbox Music on Windows Phone. Information technology is of grade the native music application available and built-in to Windows Telephone 8. If yous're a power user you probably know the ins and outs of how Xbox Music works on both Windows Phone and Windows 8. If yous're non a ability user, then this article is for you. Here'south how to create and manage playlists with Xbox Music on Windows Phone eight and Windows 8.

Why use playlists?

Playlists are an important part of whatever music listening experience. That argument holds truthful with Xbox Music. With Xbox Music y'all can create, edit and save playlists for quick and easy access to your favorite songs. Rocking an Xbox Music Pass? Those playlists will follow you in Xbox Music from device to device and sync.

From a listening indicate of view they're extremely helpful as well. Planning on a long cardio conditioning session? Pick a bunch of songs that can assist keep you motivated while you run your quarter marathon. Lifting heavy in the gym? Throw together the songs that help you get your Bruce Wayne on.

Whether it'south a long summer road trip or a night at domicile reading your favorite book, playlists can be curated to elevate the experience.

Playlists with Xbox Music on Windows 8

Xbox Music Windows 8

We'll say this up front. Creating Xbox Music playlists is probably easier on your tablet, ultrabook or desktop in Windows 8. The device you have with Windows 8 probably has a larger display compared to the Windows Phone in your life. This makes for a generally more pleasant experience when first creating and curating a large playlist.

Here's how yous'll make playlists for Xbox Music with the Windows 8 app.

  • Tap (or click) new playlist on the left menu
  • Name the playlist you're creating

Playlist Creation Xbox Music

Now you're going to demand to add songs to the playlist. There are a scattering of ways to exercise this. You can add individual songs or entire albums to a given playlist. Songs or albums can come from either your music collection or the Xbox Music store/catalog.

Adding an individual song from either your collection or the Xbox Music vocal isn't hard at all.

  • Select the song or album (touch - tap or swipe left, mouse - click)
  • Click 'Add to' (+ sign) and select the playlist you want the song to become

Adding Song to Xbox Music Playlist

Congratulations. You've made a playlist. It might but accept i vocal at the moment, but you'll keep adding more and more until you've got a collection of the smoothest jams to entertain your guests or lady friend.

Of grade your taste change and you might want to modify a playlist over time, which is completely normal. Modifying and adjusting your playlist is how you take it from a decent to infrequent. When changing your playlist you can exercise things like delete songs, rearrange the order of songs and of course add together more.

Deleting a song is easy. Merely select it by either tapping/clicking information technology or swiping/right-clicking. If you just tap/click the song, you'll come across a negative sign (−) pop up adjacent to the song name. Hit that will remove the song from that playlist. Selecting the song past swiping to the left or right-clicking will bring upwardly a menu bar on the bottom where y'all tin can delete the song, but practise a lot more too.

In playlists if you select a song past swiping to the left or right-clicking y'all'll see a plethora of options to manage that song in the playlist. Select a vocal that mode and y'all can:

  • Play selected
  • Add to (collection or some other playlist)
  • Remove from playlist
  • Move up
  • Move down
  • Move to top
  • Move to bottom
  • Start radio (will start playing a collection of songs similar to the selected one)
  • Explore artist (head into the Xbox Music store to observe more than albums and songs from the creative person)
  • Download (if yous don't already accept that particular song downloaded)
  • Pin to Start
  • Properties (view things like song length, year released, etc.)

Xbox Music Playlists

You're now a pro and creating and managing playlists in Xbox Music on Windows eight. If y'all take any questions don't hesitate to ask below in the comments. Now nosotros're going to bank check out how playlists for Xbox Music piece of work on Windows Phone.

Playlists with Xbox Music on Windows Phone 8

Xbox Music Windows Phone

On Windows Telephone 8 y'all have two applications for interacting with Xbox Music. In that location'due south the native, built-in Music+Videos hub that integrates Xbox Music. That's the default application you get with Windows Phone 8 for managing and playing music from Xbox Music. The other, more recent, application is the standalone Xbox Music app that was released a few months ago.

If you're wanting to create and manage playlists, the newer standalone Xbox Music app is the way to go on Windows Telephone. The integrated Xbox Music experience in the Music+Videos hub is fine, but information technology'due south lacking in flexibility and options that you'd get in the app.

We'd recommend just creating/managing playlists on either your PC with Xbox Music for Windows 8 or the standalone Xbox Music app on Windows Phone. The native playlist back up in Windows Telephone is fine for listening to those playlists you created, but information technology's not useful every bit creating or managing.

Don't take the newer Xbox Music app on Windows Phone 8? The download is at the end of the postal service. In the meantime, hither's how you lot can creating and manage Xbox Music playlists on Windows Telephone.

Head into the playlist section within the app

  • Tap the add together (+) button in the app bar on the bottom
  • Proper name the playlist
  • Select whether or non you desire songs added to that playlist to automatically download

Windows Phone Playlist Xbox Music

Later doing that yous'll be dropped into a view where you lot see all songs in your Xbox Music drove. This tin can be a ridiculously long list if you have a huge collection. You can hit the back button on your Windows Phone to exit this view if you accept some other songs in mind that you want to add.

Like the Xbox Music app on Windows 8, y'all tin can add any vocal to a playlist from virtually anywhere in the app. Head into your drove of the Xbox Music store to become going. Though you lot'll be using a lot of long presses to get the options y'all want.

Adding songs to a playlist is easy on Windows Phone.

  • Long press a song to select it and meet a carte du jour option
  • Click 'add to'
  • Select the playlist you desire the song to go

Don't forget you can also select bring up the app carte du jour (bottom bar) and select 'add to' for adding entire albums to a given playlist.

Xbox Music Playlist Adding WP

Managing playlists isn't hard at all either. Simply caput into a given playlist and you lot'll be able to do manage it like the music guru you are. In the app bar you'll encounter the ability to

  • Add (bring in more than songs to the playlist)
  • Select (select multiple songs to either download them for offline playback or delete them)
  • Reorder (move the order of songs to make everything flow but right)
  • Pin to Offset

Playlist Management

Creating and managing playlists for Xbox Music on Windows Phone and Windows 8 isn't hard once you know the nuts. Nosotros prefer creating the initial playlist and adding the bulk of the songs on Windows 8. Since the playlist volition sync with Xbox Music on Windows Phone we'll and then listen there and make modest adjustments, nil major.

Have any other tips, tricks or general observations nearly playlists for Xbox Music on Windows Phone and Windows 8? Share them below in the comments. Don't be agape to inquire any questions either. Nosotros'll practise our best to answer them. You can also reach me straight on Twitter (@samsabri) and I'll aid out as much as I can.

Be certain to grab Xbox Music in both the Windows Telephone Shop or Windows Store. For Windows Phone you can also utilize the QR lawmaking below.

QR: Xbox Music

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