
Microsoft Store keeps updating the same apps in Windows 11/10

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The congenital-in Microsoft Store is a market place for downloading apps. The Microsoft Store app in Windows eleven/x helps you download or update your apps. Simply at the time information technology may non work properly due to a damaged Windows Store Cache. You may be unable to update your apps, or it may keep offering your updates for the apps you lot just updated.

Microsoft Store keeps updating the aforementioned apps

Microsoft Store keeps updating the same apps

If Microsoft Store keeps offering Updates for and updating the aforementioned apps every day, then hither are the options you may consider taking to fix the issue in Windows 10:

  1. Sign out so sign in to your Microsoft Account.
  2. Check Registry setting
  3. Run Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter
  4. Manually clear Windows Store cache
  5. Reset Microsoft Shop via Settings
  6. Clear the SoftwareDistribution folder.

Earlier you brainstorm, create a arrangement restore point outset – so see if whatsoever of these suggestions help you.

ane] Sign out and then sign in to your Microsoft Account

Sign out and so sign in to your Microsoft Store and also from your PC.

Afterward the restart, check if it helps.

2] Check Registry setting

Windows Store keeps updating the same apps

Run regedit to open up the Registry Editor, and navigate to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion

Here ensure that the DWORD value data of Current Version is 6.iii. If not, change it to this number.

iii] Run Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter


Run the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter for Windows 10 from Microsoft and run across if that helps you.

4] Reset Windows Store cache

You may have to manually reset the Windows Shop besides as the cache folder in the App Directory.

To clear the Windows Store cache, open up the Sytem32 folder and look for WSReset.exe.

Reset Windows Store

Right-click on it and select Run every bit administrator.

Adjacent, open File Explorer, copy-paste the following path in the Explorer accost bar and striking Enter:


In the LocalState folder, check whether the cache folder is present or not. If information technology is there, rename it to 'cache.quondam'. Afterward that, create a new empty folder and proper name information technology 'cache'.

Windows Store Cache may be damaged 3

Restart your system and see if it has helped resolve your issue.

five] Reset Microsoft Store via Settings

Windows 11/x lets you easily Reset Windows Store apps via Settings if it is not working properly. Earlier if apps did not piece of work properly, the solution was to re-register it using PowerShell, but with this new feature, you can reset apps easily.

Windows 11

Press Win+I to open Settings > Organisation > Apps > Apps & features in the right panel. Locate Microsoft Shop. Here y'all will also run across Advanced options. Click on it, and then click on the Repair or Reset push.

Windows 10

reset microsoft store

Open Settings > System > Apps & features in the left panel. Locate Microsoft Shop. Here yous will besides come across Advanced options. Click on it, then click on the Reset push to reset the Store.

6] Articulate the SoftwareDistribution folder

You may need to delete all the contents of the Software Distribution folder. The Software Distribution binder in the Windows operating organization is a folder located in the Windows directory and used to temporarily store files that may be required to install Windows Update on your computer. It is thus required by Windows Update and maintained by WUAgent.

TIP: 10AppsManager is our freeware that will allow y'all to easily uninstall and reinstall any of the default, built-in, preinstalled Windows Shop apps.

Let the states know if anything hither helped yous.

Microsoft Store keeps updating the same apps

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-yr Microsoft MVP (2006-xvi) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments offset, create a System Restore Point before making whatsoever changes to your system & exist conscientious virtually any third-party offers while installing freeware.


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