
What Size Bike For 3 Year Old

The number one email question I make it my inbox: "What size bicycle does my kid need?"  Let's exist honest, it's confusing!

For starters, kids bikes are sized differently than adult bikes (by wheel size rather than frame size).  Also, even when we're talking about a bike with sure size wheels, the standover height and seatpost heights amongst manufacturers can vary drastically.

kids mtb shorts

Finally, while a bicycle might be advertised for a v-yr-erstwhile, some 5 years olds are tiny while others are huge.  There's no way those two kids will be best served by the same bike.

That said, y'all can figure out the right size bike without trial-and-error, or pulling your hair out.  Nosotros've helped hundreds of parents figure out which size kids bike to get.  Here are 3 tips to assistance you get the right size bicycle the first time.

woom 4 geometry

ane) Know What Wheel Size Your Child Needs

Kids bikes are "sized" by the diameter of their wheels.  The tiniest pedal bikes offset with 12-inch wheels while bigger bikes get all the style up to 24-inch wheels.   When your kiddo is fix for 26-inch, they are more often than not fix for an developed size ride, although some bike manufacturers make smaller "youth" size 26″ bikes.

Balance bikes, on the other manus, start with wheels every bit modest as 10″ although most balance bikes have 12″ or 14″ wheels.

The all-time mode to start narrowing down which size bike your child needs is to decide which size wheels they PROBABLY need. I say probably because nosotros're basing it on an age range for kids of average height.

If your child is tiny or super tall, they may demand a smaller OR bigger bike than the general range we suggest here.  Don't let that stress y'all out–this is just a starting signal, then get a bones idea of what size wheels your kid PROBABLY needs.

Kids Bike Size Nautical chart

Think, this is just a starting point.  Apply this nautical chart to get a general idea of which size bike your kid needs, but don't skip the steps below!!!!

Wheel size Historic period Elevation Inseam
12" 2-3 2'ten"-iii'4" 14-17" 35-42 cm
14" three-4 three'i"-iii'vii" 16-20" 40-50 cm
sixteen" iv-5 three'7"-4'0" xviii-22" 45-55 cm
18" 5-six 3'9"-4'3" 20-24" l-60 cm
twenty" v-viii 4'0"-4'five" 22-25" 55-63 cm
24" vii-11 4'five"-4'9" 24-28" sixty-72 cm

two) Measure Your Kid'southward Meridian and Inseam

The next thing to do is to measure out your child.  Don't skip this step or guess!

If yous're buying the bicycle as a gift, you lot should nevertheless be able to ask the kid's parents to measure them for you.  Prevarication and say you lot're sewing clothes or something if it must be a secret!

Mensurate your child'south inseam AND their peak.  Y'all'll want to take the measurements in inches (or convert to inches one time you're done).  Make sure to write down those measurements and relieve them for our side by side step.

three) Look Upward the Specs for the Bike (or Bikes) You are Interested In

Only because you retrieve your kid probably needs a 14″ bicycle doesn't hateful that Any fourteen″ bike volition fit them. Different bikes have different stand-over heights and min/max seatpost heights.  Information technology's best to await for a bike that volition provide the BEST FIT for your kiddo.

Not all wheel manufacturers list the standover acme for their bikes.  If they do, notwithstanding, you should compare it to your kid's inseam.

The standover height is the superlative of the superlative tube of the bike frame where your child will be positioned when continuing with 1 leg over each side of the bike.  This ways that your child'south inseam needs to exist AT Least equally tall as the standover height. Ideally, there will be a little more infinite than that for your child to maneuver the bike comfortably.

Prevelo Alpha Three Kids Bike
Your child needs to exist able to comfortably stand over the top tube of the bike

The other stat that you should absolutely look upward is the minimum seatpost meridian for any bike you are because.  How the minimum seatpost height compares to your child'southward inseam is dependent on whether you are ownership a remainder bike, first pedal cycle, or a pedal bicycle for a confident pedaler.

For a balance bike, you desire to make sure that the minimum seatpost meridian is no college than your child's inseam length. This allows your kid to put their feet flat on the ground, to learn to balance and to scoot.

And so if the bike has a 12″ minimum seatpost acme, then you need to make sure that your kid has at least a 12″ inseam.  If not, look for a bicycle with a smaller minimum seatpost peak.

For a balance bike, you want your kid to exist able to place their feet apartment on the basis while sitting on the seat

If you are buying your child'due south commencement pedal wheel, and then you lot want to make sure again that your child'southward inseam is at as long as the minimum seatpost pinnacle or no more than 1″ apart. This is because kids who oasis't learned to pedal yet, will desire to exist able to put their feet flat on the ground.  This gives them stability and the ability to "scoot" if they feel and so inclined.

If your child already knows how to pedal (sans training wheels), and then you tin cull a cycle with a minimum seatpost meridian that is 1-3″ higher than their inseam length.   This allows your kid's toes to touch the ground simply not put their anxiety flat on the floor.

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This confident rider is at the pocket-size stop of the size spectrum for this bike but is still able to comfortably achieve the ground.

DO NOT purchase a bike that has a minimum seatpost pinnacle whatever higher than ane-3″ longer than your child'south inseam.  They will not be able to touch the ground, will struggle to reach the pedals, and are probably going to struggle or get injure.

There are 2 ways to look upwards all data like minimum seatpost heights.  Your kickoff option is to go directly to the manufacturer'southward website.  Any decent brand is going to provide specs for their bikes.  If they don't, don't waste matter your fourth dimension with their bikes.

Some manufacturers have even created special tools to help you pick the correct size bike for your child.  We honey the Woom size chart* that yous tin can take sent to your dwelling and measure your child against.  Another nifty tool is the Guardian Bikes RideSizer tool* that helps y'all determine which size bike your kiddo needs online.

woom size chart
The Woom size chart makes picking the correct size bike easy!

Your other option is to use one of our comparison charts.  For each child's cycle size, nosotros've rounded upward a list of some of the all-time kids bikes available and included a comparison chart with this info for y'all.  This is a quick and easy way to encounter which bikes will all-time fit your child.

Balance Cycle Guides & Comparing Charts:

  • All-time Balance Bikes For Toddlers
  • Best Balance Bikes For Preschoolers (3+)

Pedal Cycle Guides & Comparing Charts:

  • Best 12 Inch & 14 Inch Bikes
  • Best 16 Inch Bikes
  • All-time 20 Inch Bikes
  • Best 24 Inch Bikes
  • All-time 26 Inch Bikes

What To Do When Your Child Is In Between Sizes

It's pretty easy to cull a bike when your kid fits nicely at the bottom end of the recommended meridian/inseam for a wheel. It'southward tougher when your kiddo is at the the upper finish of the recommended height/inseam for a cycle.

When this happens, we hear from lots of parents that they are worried that the bike won't last very long, and that their child will outgrow it quickly. This is a valid business organization, since neither bicycles nor money abound on trees.

If your child is pretty dang shut to the next size bike, I by and large tell parents to go ahead and size up. This is especially truthful if your child already knows how to pedal and is a confident passenger.

You know your kiddo all-time. Are they athletic and capable of handling a bigger, heavier wheel? Are they going to be confident continuing on their tippy-toes or are they going to be scared?

If your kid isn't already a whiz on the bike, then consider staying on the smaller size bike, even if they volition outgrow it soon. In this instance, you might want to look for a used bike (or borrow a cycle from a friend). Yous tin buy an expensive bike several months downward the line subsequently they've had a chip of a growth spurt and are gear up for the adjacent size cycle.

A Word On Kids BMX Bike Sizing

And now to throw a wrench into everything I've said in a higher place. If you're buying a kids BMX bike, the above rules on bike size don't apply.

There are two different types of kids BMX bikes: freestyle/street BMX bikes (that you lot would use at a skatepark for instance) and racing BMX bikes (which you lot would use on a race runway). Both accept unlike sizing.

For freestyle/street BMX bikes, y'all'll more often than not want to choose a bike that has a wheel size one size smaller than you would for a traditional kids bike. In other words, if your child would ride a xvi inch bicycle, they'd want a 14 inch BMX bike.

Learn More:

  • 5 All-time 12″ and xiv″ BMX Bikes (Freestyle/Street)
  • nine Best 16 Inch BMX Bikes for Kids (Freestyle/Street)

For kids race BMX bikes, the cycle size is ever twenty inches–fifty-fifty for really tiny riders. But the frame size changes as your child grows.

There are four sizes of kids BMX racing bikes:

  • Micro Mini (under v)
  • Mini (5-vii)
  • Inferior (7-ix)
  • Skilful (ix-eleven)
  • Proficient XL (10-xiii)

And here'south how they are sized by your child'south meridian:

Size Age Superlative
Micro Mini <5 iii'6″-4'0″
Mini five-seven 4′-4'4″
Junior 7-9 iv'three-four'7″
Skilful 9-11 four'vi″-v'5″
Expert XL 10-13 5'iii-5'7″
  • Learn More: 7 Best Kids BMX Race Bikes (Micro Mini, Mini, Junior, Expert)

Why Size Isn't The Only Thing That Matters

Yep, size is the first thing to remember about when picking out a kids wheel just it certainly isn't the only thing that you should be thinking about.  Once you know what size cycle your child needs, y'all should begin thinking about things similar weight (this one is a biggy), geometry, brakes, tires, whether or not to use preparation wheels, etc, etc, etc.

For more than information on other things you should be because, read our Guide To The Best Kids Bikes & How To Choose!

Near Us

The Rascals are a family of three. Kristen (mom), Blair (dad), and Parker (kiddo). We started Rascal Rides when Parker was born and we didn't want to give up our passion for biking. As we learned, we shared. Over the years, we've tested hundreds of kids bikes, helmets, bike trailers, and more.

Kristen is a U.s.a. Cycling certified charabanc and loves to share her passion for biking with other families. Blair is a bike geek, mechanic, and mountain bike junkie. Parker is our resident tester and inspiration.

If you lot see the states out on the trail, make sure to say hi!

What Size Bike For 3 Year Old,


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